Meet Mamma Peace


“Peace is an inner experience. An awareness that, the I that is I, has no end. That that ‘I’ is connected to the whole universe. The uni-verse, one voice. Peace does not depend on events ‘out there.’ Peace depends on becoming conscious of my thoughts, then I can consciously choose creative thoughts of love instead of destructive thoughts of fear. Our thoughts truly become our reality.

As each one of us consciously change our thoughts, our collective consciousness of ‘one voice’ changes. The’I AM’ is crucial to peaceful coexistence. Then we KNOW that WE are crucial to the whole of existence. But only by being peace, not by dictating peace, or forcing peace, or demanding peace.
Be peace. Blessings.”

It is part of the Speak Your Peace project to pair photos with peace definitions. In tribute of my Crawford Host, meet Kay. She is a wise, wise woman. She has taught me a lot in the mere 3 times we have spoken. Actually, we’ve spoken more on the phone than we actually did in Craword, TX, with so many people and interviewers around. I want to thank her for maintaining a Peace House in the hostile waters of Crawford, and for understanding that it is important  people have a refuge to speak their truth. She has served her global community well with these efforts, dealing with us fired up activists and she continues to recognize the way to peace and justice is to BE THE WAY.

A wise woman said, “You can’t dismantle the master’s house, using the master’s tools.”

Alix dreams up a new drink

Now three months back from the 11,000 mile ride for Peace, I’ve been decompressing and processing the eye and heart opening experience. Today I came across the old daily heroes blog that had been running since April 2006. The last entry I made, before trip preparations took over my life, was Cindy Sheehan. I’ve avidly followed her for years, but what placed her on the heroes list was her Memorial day journal entry on dailykos. I had been planning P.E.A.C.E SCOOTER for just one week when she released the news to close Camp Casey in Crawford, TX. There were many reasons I had already chosen Crawford, TX as the final destination of the Peace ride. Her being one of them. I thought it was ironic that Camp Casey was closing, but in my optimism, especially after reading her journal entry, I felt we would have a chance to work together. I remember the inspiration of her words and my excitement that she seemed to be coming out of the beige fray of muddled political lines and anti-war activist egos. Her proclamation that, “… the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of “right or left”, but “right and wrong,” had me on fire. Our insights about the prevalence of ego within the Peace movement seemed congruent. She writes, “It is hard to work for peace when the very movement that is named after it has so many divisions.” My own previous experience had made me bypass a big rally in D.C. for the start of the Peace ride, feeling as though it was time to take it out of D.C. and instead to the people all across America.

June 05, 2007, I would have been more likely to welcome a comparison to Cindy Sheehan. However, by August my opinion changed. After feeble, if any, responses from her and major Peace organizations/affiliates like Not in Our Name, ANSWER, Veterans Against the Iraq War, CODE PINK, and United for Peace and Justice, I sadly realized that those who rage against the machine often mimic it.

I have been uncomfortable with the media’s comparisons of me to Cindy Sheehan. The main reason is that at the root of the comparison is a classic, blatant media tactic that ultimately suppresses insights of the Peace movement. The media, acting as puppets to their corporate bosses instead of instruments of democracy, often paint Cindy Sheehan as a contentious woman. The general public, a rather large amount of people who need to be recruited into the Peace movement, know her as an angry woman. Of course, she has a global following, and these supporters both understand and appreciate her passion, insights and eloquence. At a mainstream level, this comparison to her implies that I, too, am angry or preaching the same message. However, the focus of my Peace tour was to ask one brief, yet important question and listen to the answer- without judgement, anger or preaching. As a result of this comparison, persons hearing of P.E.A.C.E SCOOTER are likely to feel as though they automatically understand my message. And likewise, to those “counter culture,” supporters of Sheehan, I simply become dismissed as someone attempting to follow in her footsteps. How frustrating, when I saw her as a hero, but our work and impetus were completely different. I still don’t even know sometimes what to call P.E.A.C.E SCOOTER, because it had so many complex messages intertwined into it. Without appropriate, thoughtful media coverage, these messages can be easily lost. It was a direct action to demonstrate that we need to put Peace on the map, that our nation needs to move forward as leaders to implement viable solutions; policy created through principles of non-violence and compassion, not conquest, death and imperialism. P.E.A.C.E SCOOTER was a direct action that acknowledged our general public are the opposite of asleep-they are awake without the necessary framework to recognize their own important role as catalysts in creating peace in everyday life. This is why, based on John Lennon’s quote, “If a billion people were thinking about Peace there would be Peace in our world,” I recognized a need for their empowerment-which could happen if they summoned up their personal definition of Peace. This movement is an attempt to create inner revolutions, whereas I see Cindy in her political forum as someone handling an external revolution. Which makes us quite dependent on another-for how can people rise up and be the proponents of a lasting external revolution without knowing what they are working towards? Our human liberation is beautifully, but precariously intertwined.

This immediate gut response to CNN’s (and other media sources) comparison to her was also heightened by Sheehan’s and other’s failure to respond to the numerous emails I sent asking for help in some fashion. She was pleasant and encouraging, but responded similarly to others like Not in Our Name-“that sounds awesome, have fun, love you.” Clearly, these people don’t understand that 11,000 miles is a LONG way even in a car, much less on 12 inch wheels. When I set out on the road, I was driven by our urgent need for Peace, driven by my heroes, driven by a belief that Peace makers would hear and reach out. I didn’t need a congenial thumbs up, I needed support. How about accepting my request to endorse or publicize the Peace ride, so that the national/global Peace family could participate and have the ability to offer resources-much needed food, fuel, housing and media coverage? This would have made P.E.A.C.E SCOOTER much more visible to the public. It is my belief that the intent of our Peace forces across the world is to stand up, be counted and help expand the message. The list servers and databases of major anti-war groups swells because the people are ready for change-and group leaders have a social responsibility. If our own counter culture media can’t jump to cover stories like mine and others, we won’t have any readily available sources other than the corporate media mafia. We need our leaders in the Peace movement to view our paradigm change with the principles of abundance-there are enough resources to go around. We can take care of one another-the Civil Rights Movement swelled because of its community and steadfast commitment to manage and volunteer resources to the cause. The more we splinter as a movement, segregate, judge and cling fast to sparse light the media occasionally grants us, the faster we will sputter out.

Sixty days deep into my trip preparations, I heard news that Cindy was walking from Crawford, TX to NYC, on a Journey for Humanity. The day I left on the peace ride, someone excitedly told me that there was a cross country March for Peace happening, and one week later I heard from a few people biking for Peace. My initial excitement that we would somehow all surge forward, unified in purpose, waned throughout the trip, as no meaningful responses were made to my inquiries for solidarity amongst all the groups. Imagine the ruckus we could have all made were there a concerted effort to promote the nation wide mobilizations occurring in unison. A ball was dropped by many activists this summer. It was obviously meant to be a summer of action. Just think about how strong in number and volition we could have been. When I think about the sheer number of miles clocked between all the different activists-I get chills. It’s almost like these anti-war groups support the conservative agenda by their failure to promote all the direct action that happened.

I ask Cindy Sheehan and the other organizers, “Where HAVE all the Giants gone?” Cindy, you were my heroine-I thought if anyone would show me what a Giant was it would be you.Ironically, right after my trip, Sheehan posted a bulletin calling for the solidarity of Peace organizations, commenting on the fragmented, protective nature of these organizations. A few weeks later she posted a bulletin in honor of John Lennon, in which she proclaimed the importance of defining Peace. I invite her, and you, to leave your definition over on, seeing as I agree with her, and have been using the website to host 1 billion definitions of Peace. It will be up the rest of my life, but hopefully, there will be a unified movement long before some beautiful soul leaves that one billionth definition.
Thank you for reading. The song playing right now as I conclude this is off the 2007 compilation I just put together in time for the New Year.
“I ain’t gonna study War no More, I’m gonna join hands, the whole world round…ain’t gonna study War no More.”
I am thinking that applies just as aptly to our fractured counter culture Peace movement as it does our war mongering empire.


p.s. If you want a copy of that 2007 compilation-its coming soon, I’m fighting with tech gadgets to make this happen-or you can cover the shipping and I will send it to you!

Kucinich is the one

Congressman Dennis Kucinich will be visiting our town, a little blue city in a red state, on Friday. PJ Chmiel MasterpieceThis post is a tribute to him. A couple of years ago I heard a speaker, Marianne Williamson, comment that in most countries there are fourteen political candidates to choose from and 2 choices of toothpaste. Yet, here in the land of democracy, it’s the exact opposite. In resistance to our diminishing democracy and trepidation that neither Hilary or Obama will offer anything other than empty rhetoric-I hereby pledge my vote to Kucinich. I’ve followed him for years and believe he is the best Democratic candidate. He has both the experience and ethos to lead our country towards a better future. I refuse to buy into the idea of “wasting a vote.” Its truly our democracy wasting away if the “little guy” with big ideas can’t get the spotlight, just because of money and popularity. I believe there should be a network mandate to offer Presidential candidates free air time as to avoid the war chest competition. Perhaps then we wouldn’t have to pay high prices to go hear our potential leaders speak.But either way, this Friday night, December 7th, from 7:15-8:45, I’ll shuck over the $20 to hear him speak. Maybe I’ll get the student discount. I’ve heard him speak for free a number of times when I lived in Oberlin, OH and he is an amazing orator. So is Barack Obama, but as much as I would love to see a black man win, I feel Barack makes empty promises. I snuck into a campaign speech by him in Portland, OR. There was a lot of contagious gusto, but then he said, “Within the first year of my administration-we will have Universal Health Care.” I lost interest after that bombastic statement, despite how badly I DO want universal health care. Our country has endured enough pompousness and arrogance. I know I want integrity, experience, commitment, peace and ethos.

What about you?

PJ Chmiel took some time to lend his graphic design prowess to the Kucinich campaign-which was surely lackluster before. Definitely take a looksee over at PJ’s webpage:
Kudos to him for the volunteer work and snappy designs. I love them,want to get a shirt, make a yard poster-the money earned from his sales goes right to the Kucinich campagin coffers.
And that’s pretty darn swell. Speaking of swell, well, gee, you should check out this informative, witty video since you’ve got some more time to spare! For more information on the best person for the job, check out the official Kucinich page:

Don’t waste your vote! Don’t waste our future!



Hey there.

Get your own flickr badge

Recently, I’ve had a couple of interviews, via email correspondence. Thought you might want to read them. They have been a good way for me to stay centered with the Peace mission-staying close to my beliefs. I might finally be getting a grip on a 40 hrs work week again. I’ll be honest-it’s been hard to switch gears. I’m trying to keep my head up and earn some cash, without being drained and while still giving myself time to appropriately incubate all the past 3 month experiences. My friends Andy and Christy were staying here the past 4 days, and Andy set up an interview with me-on video. I froze a bit in front of the camera- choked up when trying to explain the trip. I know that these other interviews helped jumpstart me back into gear. Andy was interested in the “what now that its over”. More to come 🙂

Interview #1:
Questions by Nicholas Cole

How would you communicate or coordinate your efforts with other activists without the internet? Would you be more or less active without the internet?
Before the internet, my focus was much more local and regional. I subscribed to zines, newspapers, and relied on local chapters. My close proximity to Washington D.C. meant better access to activists groups and information.
Also, I, like many others, are coming of age, so to speak, with the internet intertwined into our lifestyle. So, its hard to address whether or not I would be more or less active without it. Prior to the internet, I was still a free thinker and mobilized to support social justice. Revolutions have been forged without the internet.

Does the internet make your efforts much easier?
The internet has definitely strengthened the grassroots community. Activists now have a faster avenue to share information, build contact lists, and attract participants. Information is now traveling much faster than ever before. But so do the organizations that they are mobilizing against. It’s also probably a lot safer for someone “riding the fence” to check out a website before attending a groups direct action demonstration. The internet has that comfort feature-which ultimately means more inclusivity. While some people might not come to an event or protest, the internet gives them a way to donate, comment, and relay messages. The internet is such a blessing that I fear there will be a eventual seizure of its public accessibility. One thing to remember though is that it is not truly a democratic experience. There are demographics who can’t get online-who don’t have the resources to connect.
It made my efforts much easier, and continues to, because I want to host One Billion definitions for Peace online. This means the website will be up for the rest of my life. This particular art/activist project would be impossible without the internet. You, the interviewer would not have heard of my project where it not for the internet. So many people were able to contact me-house and feed me, because they heard about the trip via the internet.

How would you have funded your trip without the donations given through your website?
Great question. What happened was the way it was supposed to happen. The quote, “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the rest of the staircase,” by Martin Luther King, JR. echoed in my head as I made plans to take the trip. In June, I decided to push ahead with P.E.A.C.E SCOOTER, no matter what obstacles where in my way. I was going to start walking if necessary. I had no money to even buy the necessities-riding jacket, good helmet, saddlebags, tent, and the like . I decided to take a small loan out, which disappeared early on. I now make monthly payments on it.
Perhaps I would have waited a year and applied for grants. There was always the promise of numerous sponsorship, but I didn’t want to convolute or restrict the message of the trip. Fortunately, Genuine Scooters offered full support. It was an honor to have such great people behind my cause. My belief is that there is more than enough to go around in this world., so I didn’t want to let lack of money stop me.

Do you think the internet has caused people to become lazier (in that they are not going out and protesting or participating in a unique way, as you did) or more active ( in that more people can speak out over the internet via message boards, blogs and online petitions)?

I believe that people are too preoccupied by the whole rat race to be conscious activists. I also think there are a lot of scare tactics, like Homeland Security, police abuse, FBI/CIA profiling that keep people from being visible activists.
At the very least, the internet makes people more politically informed.
Active? Well, there are different perspectives. Is the true definition of active being visible and taking direct action in a public sphere? I still think of activism as a social activity, one that requires the mobilization and engaging of actual people. I think the internet helps in connecting and educating people, but they still need to come out, be counted, and experience a palpable solidarity.

Short version: Do you think the internet has helped or hurt the anti-Iraq-war (or other anti-war) cause(s)?
There is no way that the internet is responsible for hurting the anti-Iraq war cause, nor has it been that helpful. Perhaps someone who organizes protests would think differently-I would ask them. My personal experience is that even with resources like the internet, many anti-war/ pro-peace groups are disconnected. I noticed a lack of solidarity among peace groups and activists while I was traveling. A divisive, competitive mentality will hurt the anti-war movement far more than the internet. Historically, except for the Civil Right Movement, a minority group (or activist group) will experience internal dissent which dilutes the group’s unity and focus. Whenever a group struggles for power against another who shares a similar message-the original altruistic notion become less important. The competition for recognition and resources becomes the focus-not the cause.

Going along with the question above…What would your definition of an activist be?
I believe there are many shades of activism. An artist, too, beliefs in direct action- in just the manifesting of their vision. Activism and activists can take many forms, but there are certain distinct principles to an activist. I don’t think an activist has to be confrontational, as usually perceived. Unfortunately, speaking your mind, proposing big questions and challenges is often seen as contentious.
Any persons who take direct action to support their beliefs, to cultivate a better world and to create common ground. An activist questions injustice and proposes viable solutions to build better futures. An activist faces challenges and disciplines themselves-working for a political or social goal. That type of willingness, selflessness and determination is rare. They view obstacles as landmarks, not roadblocks. Ironically, activism has a certain duality, it involves both opposition and support. Sometimes its hard to remember that someone shares as much conviction as you do towards a cause, but in opposition. I try to remember that and craft a dialogue from the differences, until we can find a common ground, or simply listen to one another with respect.

Interview #2:
Questions by Rebecca LaFlure

What was it that inspired you to travel 11,000 miles on a scooter in the shape of a peace sign?
The overall impetus was my love for America and my belief that we are all responsible for creating a better world. Earlier this year, I felt a consuming frustration with our Nation and it’s lack of deliberate, mainstream movement calling for Peace and Justice. I don’t believe that promoting Peace and Justice should be left to grassroots, alternative organizations. I think a Peace making mentality should be first and foremost in all our internal and international affairs- should saturate our culture. The initial catalyst for the trip was a quote I saw at the John Lennon Instant Karma art exhibit; “If a billion people were thinking about Peace, there would be Peace in our world.” The immediate thoughts that followed were, “Wow, that seems really easy. Why wouldn’t a billion people think about peace? Do people know what Peace means to them?.” I instantly realized that most people believe Peace is impossible and I wanted to know why.

How did you get the idea?
I spent the next week (after the art exhibit) perplexed that a majority of people in our world do not have a working definition of Peace. I was also sick of just holding up Peace banners at anti-war rallies. I wanted to make my route be the sign-it’s the idea that Peace is the Way. The idea quickly morphed and all components began to fall into place. I decided traveling the Peace sign route would give me a good representation of American ideology. I would be able to hear the perspectives from many demographics and see if they had a definition of Peace. If they already did-well good-either way I would have a chance to listen and learn.
I choose to ride the scooter because it “environmentally friendlier”- on the oil supply and the roads. And they are FUN. I think everyone who can should own a scooter. With an escalating environmental crisis and exorbitant fuel costs, scooters are a fun and logical mode of transportation. I also had little funding to complete the trip and I had to big obstacles-time and money. Riding a scooter meant I could cover more miles than biking or walking-therefore I could interview more people. My scooter was also a great conversation piece and icebreaker. “You rode that thing from Virginia?” gave me a way in-automatic credibility.

Were there any moments during the trip where you felt like giving up? Any bad weather?
Oh there were many challenges. But I never wanted to give up. It became a quest to transcend whatever fears or self-imposed limitations I had. Quickly I realized that the world out there is not as scary as the one projected onto our TV screens. I became comfortable traveling alone as a woman, taking the necessary precaution of course, but it took awhile to push past years of programming that woman aren’t safe when traveling alone.
I was also scared of lightning when I started this trip, and by the first night was riding in it, along with pouring rain and hail. I was stuck out in the Plains during amazing storms, with not a place to seek cover, lightning striking around me. Physically, riding on 12 inch wheels for 11,000 miles can be brutal. My butt never hurt, something I get asked frequently, but overall my body ached. Had I not tried to cover so many miles in a short time, it would have been fine. I rode in temperatures from 40-105, and I learned to turn those climate changes into metaphors for the cultural climates I went through. I learned to laugh through what could seemingly be tragic, some random mishaps with the scooter and I used this quote often: “Calm seas don’t make good sailors.”

Did you recieve any oppopsition during your travels or were people mostly supportive?
Oh, people were surprisingly supportive, even in very conservative climates. My approach, from the beginning, was to be inclusive. I didn’t tell anyone they were wrong or try to change people’s minds-and that makes a difference in the dialog. I simply asked, “What does Peace mean to you.” Of course, there were responses that I didn’t politically agree with, but my role was to facilitate a common ground, and steer us away from an often divisive political framework. I played a beautiful role of “midwiving” people’s thoughts about Peace. Often they were more personal with me, I believe, because there was no threat, no judgement, and because I was leaving the next day.
There is something liberating about sharing your personal stories with a passing stranger-you don’t get that uncomfortable “morning after” feeling.
Sometimes just holding a space to listen to people allows them to listen to themselves-and that will create a life change.
I found, unfortunately, that the hardest conversations were with people my age, whose apathy and mistrust have made them quite jaded. Although, they were often super excited and thought the trip was cool,but it was harder to delve into the deep conversations.
I never once felt that my life was in danger, by grace, I felt protected and welcomed almost every place I visited. Even in conservative areas people would stop me and offer donations and encouragement. A lot of conservatives also said they don’t approve of the war and although they voted for George W. Bush, they wouldn’t do it again .

What are some memorable places that you stopped to talk to people?
Wow, I have an incredible amount of memories that I am sorting through and processing. From Wayne, NE to Newton, KS, the many people I met made the landscape more memorable. Never before had Kansas seemed so interesting. I stopped in Newton, KS because of the Mennonite Church, whose doctrines explore the presence of God in peacekeeping.
The first one that comes to mind is the most recent-meeting Kay at the Crawford Peace House. I didn’t speak with her until two weeks before my arrival. Our phone conversations really offered me the support and clarity that I needed those last two weeks on the road. For three months I knew the Peace House was my final destination, but I tried hard not to forecast how it would end. Within my first ten minutes there, it was more than I ever could have envisioned. It felt like coming home, to have “Momma Peace,” (as we dubbed her-maybe others have too) greet me and to know, at every level, what I intended through this journey. It was really a refuge. We met and then walked through the Peace Labyrinth, sharing our thoughts about Peace, world change, politics and war. It was mythical, as though she was my Daedalus, a guide helping me find a way to process the many events of P.E.A.C.E SCOOTER.
Another memorable place was the International Peace Garden in North Dakota. Sadly, there were very few people there. It’s a lovely garden, created in 1932, by Theodore Roosevelt. It wasn’t a planned stop, but I asked why the North Dakota license plates say, “The Peace Garden State,” and discovered we share a Peace Garden with Manitoba.

What’s the overall message you want to give to the U.S.?
That for us to build a better future we must utilize a common ground and build from those similarities, instead of being polarized by our differences. Our daily lives need to be extensions of our beliefs. Justice and Peace are worth working for, even if you support the war. In fact, the war itself is meant to create a democracy, its being sold as a noble gesture to improve lives in the Middle East. We must always consider how to achieve more Peace, and to do so we must know what Peace means to us. I have received many answers to that question and I hope to receive many more. The website, will be up and running the rest of my life, to collect one billion definitions of Peace. Every individual has a responsibility to help make a better world-to be the change they wish to see.
I chose to travel in the shape of a peace sign for many reasons. First and foremost to indicate that Peace is the Way. Our country is often polarized into two camps; anti-war or pro-war. That classic division seems outdated to me. I believe there is a common ground deep under the surface of classical political and religious differences.
War itself in the “post war era” is a different cup of tea. Most military operations are now intended to do good for smaller countries, not harm. Let’s focus on the good that is intended-that’s a common ground, something we need to utilize more in conversation. Constantly seeking a common ground and utilizing non-violent priniciples are the only way we will foster a culture of Peace. We need to have the patience and interest to ask important questions like, “Is War really the way to Peace?”
Will there always be conflict? Yes. But how do we want to resolve it, and will our decisions be good for future generations?
Any plans for a future scooter tour?
You know, three weeks ago, I would have said No. I do entertain thoughts about doing the route again, maybe every 5 years, and schedule talks and rallies along the way. The hardest part, the ground work has been done. Now I know which roads to take, good stopping places and organizations located around the country.
I’m also very open to collaborating with interested parties in the future. I know that at least 4 different groups either walked, biked, or scooted for Peace this past summer. One of those parties has contacted me to mention combining resources and doing another cross country ride for Peace. I believe the Peace movement needs to channel its collective resources for any of us to really be effective. A massive mobilization can reach more people and be funded a lot better. I incurred some debt by plunging into this journey solo. Thankfully, the company, Genuine Scooters, donated the scooter and provided free routine maintenance. Genuine’s support also made the trip more visible and scooterists offered lodging around the country.
Otherwise, I just got my scooter back and I’m excited about taking small jaunts around my hometown. My happiness seems to be proportional to the amount of miles I ride in a day!

And finally… does your scooter have a name?
Audre, The Chrome Mistress. It seems a lot of the readers on remembered her name- which is pretty cool. Often though, I was addressed as “Scooter girl.” I’ve noticed that a lot of women around the country get called Scooter Girl. Seems kind of funny to me-I can’t think of a single guy with the moniker,”Scooter Boy.” Her name came to me within our first 60 miles together. It’s kind of a rite of passage, naming the scooter. I decided to spell it without the “y” in honor of Audre Lorde, who said, “You can’t dismantle the master’s house, using the master’s tools.” That’s an ideology that I kept close with me this summer.

November Orange

November Orange

So excited to report that I took my first scooter ride today since October 14, almost 1 month later! Thanks to Urban Moto and Genuine, who shipped it. And to Scoot Richmond and Valerie, who stumbled upon a solution to get Audre home from Richmond, VA. She was dropped off at the front door thanks to Valerie, a wonderful local scooterist. This was my first day off, so we cruised around a little bit. She was shy to start, but woke up quickly after a few minutes on the road. Oh my, it was a good ride, although we didn’t cross any state lines. I did catch myself going 50 through the neighborhood and reluctantly leaned off the throttle. Happy to report that she sounds great and is performing well-even though she hasn’t appreciated the neglect! This weekend I plan on adventuring around the Blue Ridge Mountains. With a big smile and need for speed-I’m happy to say Audre is home!


I’m going through my music, putting together a playlist for Jessica and Steven’s wedding, which I’m a Djing. It’s a time consuming, albeit FUN and nostalgic process. My music collection is deeply intertwined with my adventures, a thread into the Labyrinth of memories that I am sorting through these days. A lot of my music is also anonymous, simply labeled Track 01, Track 02-you get it. Anyhow, I also just finished reading Into the Wild, a non fiction account of Chris Mcandless travels around the country and into Alaska; an ultimate spiritual journey that resonates very deeply with me. The lyrics for this Air song, Universal Traveler, just heightened the moment so take a moment to share this moment with me.

“Universal Traveler”

I know so many places in the world
I follow the sun in my silver plane
Universal traveler

If you have a look
Outside on the sea
Everything is white
It’s so wonderful
Universal traveler

So far, so far
So far away

I met so many
People in my life
I’ve got many friends
Who can care for me
Universal traveler

Just feel everywhere at home
Is a brand new day
Let’s go somewhere else
Universal Traveler

So far, so far
So far away

Like, Oh my god

I came across this “quote” while reading a blog on the NY Times about Colbert’s standing in the national Presidential poll results. This is a comment left by a reader:

“Anything to avoid serious, adversarial journalism, which is so twentieth century.”
— Posted by Mason

NO doubt!

I had just been thinking that very same thing while perusing online articles. I was critiquing them for 1) content 2) objectivity and 3) vernacular. One particular blogspot article that bothered me was discussing a case where a prostitute was raped, by three men. The judge’s verdict was that “it was a theft of services” not a “rape.” Truly an outrage, yes. Also perplexing was the language that this blogger used when discussing the case. Here is an excerpt:

“Seriously. The implication of the decision is that prostitutes are offered less protection under the law than other women. We’re relieved to see that the bar association is on the case.”

Seriously? Like, fer sure, I am soooo glad that we can take this seriously now. The bar association is ALL over that case. And who is the “we,” she speaks of in “we are relieved?”

There is todays rant-the media is a never ending source of irritation for me. I just want my friends, family, and future children to know how to dissect this shoddy, corporate sponsored, bias news oligarchy, or olicorpocracy, if you will.  When something like 6 companies own ALL our media outlets, we will NOT get articulate, provoking, investigative journalism. Who needs a nation, of like, totally thinking people, when everything can just be a JOKE.  DUDE, I might be bad with my commas, but I try to be objective and concise-and I’m not paid for any of the stuff I write.

When concentration of media ownership occurs, the public suffers in numerous ways. The obvious being less diversity of opinion and voice, but also caliber of voice that is presented.

Peace OUT! (out of the Closet like Dumbeldore)



My absolute favorite holiday! I’m headed to work, maybe time to write later, maybe not. Almost finished with update from OK City. Last night I spent time with my roomie, first time since July, cooking some yummy veggies and nori rolls. The wasabi was so hot that I got a buzz from it. After rocking our sinus cavities off, we carved a pumpkin-only my fourth ever. My mom worked in home/business/marina insurance when I was a kid and she tended to always know the odds of disaster-keeping me away from sharp tools- hence no pumpkin carving. Here is the Peace Pumpkin:

Peace Pumpkin

Peace on the Porch

Since Peace is soooooo scary in our world………….

1 Billion Definitions of Peace


Hey folks.

I am in the process of discovering how to make Peace a part of my daily life, now that I am adjusting (sort of) to being back at home and working. There is absolutely some culture shock present and coupled with bad news about my mom’s health, life is pretty raw right now. The past three months, Peace was, quite literally, my way. Now I am exploring the patience my local C-villians have towards the topic, integrating the message into my lifestyle and searching for a way to keep this Peace project going. I keep having a reoccurring dream about the number of definitions I want to collect on the website-1 billion-in which the zeros keep flipping over and over, always erasing the standing total. It was getting a bit daunting, especially with no recent definitions left since PEACE SCOOTER ended.

Until….I saw our national debt.

Now-a billion-well it seems pretty possible.

Spoiler: The number was at $9,064,930,753,793.74 when I peeked. Student loans? Psshaw!

Hey folks. Today finds me up in the mountains, celebrating at my friends bachelorette party. Everyone is taking a nap now, after last night’s festivities. Me-I’m getting ready to hit the hot tub after I post this beautiful video for you. I was just updating my links and catching up with my friends websites. I came across this gem on the Federation of Peaceful People. Enjoy. Think Arete!

Peaceful Demonstrator Arrested

When I first started traveling alone and asking people what turns out to be a very personal question, I had to fight off some fears. Often, I see this question proposed, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” Well, what do you do when you are afraid? That seems to be a pertinent question .

Why was I fearful? Because it has become difficult, sometimes violent, to talk about Peace. I had no idea how challenging it would be to have people leave politics out of a Peace discussion. Many people saw my question as antagonistic. Oh really? Asking what your vision for our future is, or how you define Peace, is antagonistic? I believe our government is AFRAID of a nation waking up and demanding accountability. When we stand as a nation that has put aside fleeting consumer interests and nonchalant apathy, we will be a threat to the way the game is currently played. If you believe in war, I hope you change your mind. I hope we can at least agree that free speech is our Constitutional right. I hope that soon people realize we need to separate the intertwined threads of corruption pervading our government-corruption that is whittling away our right to free speech. Many people told me this summer that they support the war because our American freedom was under attack. The biggest threat on our freedom is coming from within-the threat on our Constitutional rights. It really can’t be denied. There are tons of people to testify to it, and tons of independent media to prove it. Homeland Security is taking away the comfortability we should have to logically question our governments actions and to peacefully dissent.

Our country was established by dissenters and throughout its evolution, “dissenters,” have worked for social justice. Just think voting rights, for both blacks and women, for example. I know people are afraid, maybe they can’t name it, but it’s easy to see in their reactions, just from a simple question like, “How do you define Peace?” A lot of people tell me and Daphne, “Well, I don’t believe in Peace.” But, when prodded, often they have no definition to offer. Don’t you have to know WHAT it IS before you don’t believe in it? Most people define Peace as the absence of War and conclude by saying we will never be without War.

It’s dangerous to find ourselves in this rut of disbelief. Americans don’t seem to think Peace is possible-and it won’t be if we can’t imagine its existence. I just wish people would apply an equal measure of logic to situations. If I told myself repeatedly that I was a failure, I would create one of those “self fulfilling prophecies.” As a culture, we emphasize the importance of living your dream, conquering your obstacles-you can overcome any obstacle if you want it bad enough. Thats at least how we justify horrible underfunding for schools in the ghettos. By gosh, we tell people-If you want a good future, claw out from the ghetto, despite the corner the system shoved you into.

We will continue to have War if we don’t think it’s possible, or WORTHY to have Peace. And apparently, all those working diligently to remind the government that there are CHECKS AND BALANCES to uphold, are a threat. Even a Democratic Representative was rebuked yesterday by Pelosi and forced into apology for his comments against the war. I came across these CODE PINK videos of yesterday’s arrests for peacefully demonstrating, and the above torrents of thought began racing. Whether or not you share the beliefs of CODE PINK, just remember, they were not doing anything illegal or threatening. One held up a peace sign with her fingers and the other was simply wearing pink. Security officers on Capitol Hill have become infuriated with CODE PINKS daily presence. I think they are afraid of CODE PINK. I do not understand how our government approves of treating its citizens like this-or what we do to stop them. What do you do when you are afraid-hide, drink, shop, strike out, or STEP-UP? Please watch the videos below. And will you please leave your definition of Peace on the Wall (click here)
Love, Alix

October 27, 2007, Mark it!

This weekend there are millions of people participating in 11 regional demonstrations. Check out this website: more information about the Fall Out Against the War action this weekend. Apparently, its good to bring your kids, family, neighbors and even dogs. I would like to add that its good to bring a stranger and some sassy, radical signs with memorable quips. Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films did the video that you see below. The song is quite catchy, I can tell it will be stuck in my head when I’m brewing coffee tomorrow AM. Anyhow, I’ve seen almost every Greenwald movie made, his documentaries are very educational and often seen only by the grassroots communities. My first and favorite was Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price. Now, I always get that backwards in my head, but either way, the title works. I consider that movie to be so important because long after these damn enterprises, I mean Wars, people will still be shopping at Wal-Mart. Check out his website for a complete listing of his documentaries: lastly, check out the video below! Thank you and here’s to dancing around sombreros and making Peace in our world!


Welcome Home Alix

Hey folks,

I do apologize for lack of posting in the past week and a half. So what have I been doing, heh?

Well, the week after Crawford, TX was a whirlwind of fun! Even though I was exhausted, there were still 1,600 miles to put behind me. Early Friday morning, we pulled into Virginia; unfortunately darkness cloaked the brilliant leaves of autumn. About 15 minutes outside of town a presumably drunken college kid almost ran us off the road. I was seriously riled up by this, as it was one of the closer calls I’ve had this whole time on the road and we were so close to home!

Me, Marco Polo and Courtney (behind my head) at the WallWe made a stop at a 24 hour grocery store to purchase my little guy a bone. After exuberant, sloppy greetings were exchanged, everyone crashed hard. After basically a quick nap, we roused ourselves to enjoy Charlottesville before Daphne and Lil C headed back to Maine. It was a very action packed day and by its end, I had accomplished my three goals: take Marco Polo for a long walk, cook a tasty dinner in my kitchen and carve a pumpkin. Family Dinner The next couple of days I unpacked all of my stuff from storage and began the tedious process of setting up my new bedroom. Most of my friends, including the roomie, had left town for the weekend, so it was really quiet-giving me a chance to unwind. The apartment is looking really good due to Wendy’s hard work. We inherited the place from some frat boys so there was a lot of dirt to remove from the carpet and patching to be done on the walls. Courtney's RideWendy, in her mercurial fashion, has created a couple of herb gardens, a compost bin and painted some rooms.

Pumpkin Carving

The next thing on the list has been to relax, something I have to turn into a task in order to make myself do it. We went for awhile without TV around here, but recently Wendy’s family gave her a full entertainment system, including surround sound stereo. After hooking it all up, I decided to test it out. We watched Sneakers, an OLD movie, from 1992, but its content was remarkably cutting edge. Great quote from the movie:
“What do you want in exchange?”
“Peace and Justice”
“We are the United States Government, we don’t work for that!”

Wendy made a frightful comment that the liberal propaganda in Sneakers probably wouldn’t be “allowed,” in today’s era of Homeland Security. Since I’m a big documentary fan, I’ve continued my testing of the new entertainment system to watch a couple. My favorite was Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. I was living at Omega Institute during the zenith of this scandal and we didn’t have TV or newspapers. I was absolutely riveted by the amount of information presented and completely disgusted by the massive synergistic corruption between business and politics. I recommend Alex Gibney’s movie because its very objective and informative-a journalistic presentation with Integrity. A lot of the movie’s information came from C-Span clips, a cable network that most people can’t afford to have. (or choose not to) It’s unfortunate to pay a rental fee just to get the objective coverage which is the responsibility of our media. Last night I watched Revolution OS; this reveals my geekier nature. It was somewhat hard to watch, but provided a really interesting look at the hackers and computer programmers who challenged Microsoft by developing open source software. By the end of the night I was feeling ready to get back on a productive schedule.

Today has been pretty busy; lots of piddly errands to do-calls to make, piles of bills and letters to write. And tax forms to fill out. Yes, I am now employed and even worked a shift yesterday. The Mudhouse was my employer when I left town, but the new spot, La Taza, holds a lot of promise. The new work crewThe job acquisition was pretty hysterical. I’ve enjoyed being my own boss for the past three months and wasn’t enthusiastic about turning over that freedom. But since the money ran out a long time ago-its time to make a commitment. At least for awhile to generate some income while I pen a novel about the travels. I was sitting outside La Taza, using the internet and the waiter, Stephen, joined me. He didn’t give me the opportunity to dawdle picking up an application. The next moment I was behind the counter making a drink for the manager. Suddenly, I had a job-and agreed to report for work the next morning. Whoah. There was an employee meeting scheduled in the next hour, so I stuck around to meet the rest of the crew and listen to their comments and strategies. They all seem smart, cool and creative-looking forward to confirming that. We ate some yummy pizza together and then I left-happy with the good possibilities ahead at this cafe. It’s literally out my back door, good for fuel conservation. There is also more money and scheduling flexibility-so I’m pretty excited.

I’m adjusting to being inside after spending the past three months outside. The brilliant scenery and ever changing horizons are gone. I’ve developed a riding disorder, where my happiness is proportional to the amount of miles I travel. My friends took me to see Into the Wild, an intense and profound movie, shot in some beautiful locations. Virginia, Michael, and MichaelI became very nostalgic for the raw nature and open spaces that I experienced during 11,000 miles. I’m itching to be back on the scooter, which is en route to Richmond now. Meanwhile, I’m appreciating the comforts of my own home. Me and Wendy have both spent years on the road, so we were in agreement that our doors would be opened to lodge wayward travelers. The other night we brought home a trio, Virginia, Michael and Michael, who had been hiking the Appalachian Trail. They are all headed to their respective homes after the hike and years of service in the Peace Corps. It was cool to meet them and live vicariously through them for a moment.

I’ve also been eating and sleeping a lot-and getting back into my yoga/meditation practice. My need for a mediation and yoga practice was discovered years ago after I confronted a feeling of disharmony in my life. I had a sense of what Peace was, just enough to know it was lacking in my life. After a lot of soul searching and meeting spiritual teachers, I created a framework that helps me deepen and strengthen my personal growth and my relationship with others. We really do begin to experience Peace when we believe it’s possible, and daily take the steps to maintain it in our life. It’s an operating system and of course it takes maintenance to function at its best.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about Peace and the lessons I learned from thousands of interactions this summer. It was a wild ride and there is still a lot of processing happening. The other day I joined my friend, “The Reverend Rick,” for $2 pints at South Street. The Rick is an IBM Genius, basically the company pays him to think, to invent and to motivate people. I was a little surprised when he told me that he initially thought my idea was crazy-I mean the guy gets paid to expand the parameters of possibility. Rick was one of the first people I talked to about PEACE SCOOTER-over coffee at 7:00 AM. He, like others, say they thought I was joking. The reoccurring sentence is,” You made your dream come true-I thought it was just a crazy, fleeting idea-the kind people have all the time and never follow through.” To this I say, don’t have a dream, have a goal-and pursue it with a ferociousness that is catalytic. The word ferocious come from “ferox”-Latin for wild. The English language defines “wild” as “lack of constraint or control.” Don’t ever let fears control your imagination. Every fiber of my being wanted to travel and talk about Peace, I refused to accept the idea of obstacles. I say it takes more energy to create obstacles and resign yourself to shortcomings than it does to believe you have the power to accomplish your highest goals. Now if I can just apply that to quitting smoking….

Just today I put up a fresh piece of poster board, my “Wall Brain,” it helps me keep the distractions at bay. THE HEADQUARTERSThis is the system implemented when I had only a month before hitting the road. It serves as a good way to do my mind-mapping and to keep the details, goals, and contacts close at hand. Thought this might help me delve into the next phase of P.E.A.C.E SCOOTER. While on the road, I developed a good pace to manage everything. I slept minimally and accomplished a lot, and that came to a screeching halt once I stopped traveling. Right now, I’m excited to bring new information to my community and to maintain the far-reaching community that I met while on the road. By the way, the first items that went on the WALL BRAIN were

Write about Oklahoma City.
Write about Crawford and Austin, TX.
Write about the zany road trip back home.
Write about New Orleans-just revisited on the way home and remembered that I excluded major commentary about NOLA.

Stick with me……

Peace and love…..Alix

Heading Home

Final Mileage Answering the Questions
Hey everybody, I know there is an obvious lack of posts the past few days, especially at a time when I have so much to tell you about! Alix and Lady Liberty
Right now me, Daphne, and Lil C are headed home to VA, after a couple of great days in Austin, TX and a day in New Orleans. I have a lot of photos to share with you and characters to introduce from both the OK City and Crawford adventures. For months I knew the trip would end in Crawford, but nothing prepared me for the day’s actual events. There will be a lot to write about. Shockingly, I’m pretty exhausted and still not anywhere near catching up on sleep. I’m traveling with two people who have never seen the Southwest or Southeast, so the adventures are still abounding! It’s very strange to be riding in a car, yesterday we covered 500 miles in just eight hours. I said my tearful goodbyes to Audre, who is now in the hands of Urban Moto. She is being shipped home, thanks to Genuine Scooters.

Honestly, I can’t wait to arrive back home, carve some pumpkins and walk the dog. The question I get asked the most is, “What’s next?” Well, Crawford was only the finish line of the ride-there is still a lot of work to do for Peace and Justice. And I can’t wait to tell you about the wonderful people I’ve met recently. If you want the scoop through some other people’s eyes- check out Steve’s site

Also, the photographer from CNN, Erika Dimmler (thanks and it was really great to meet you!) sent me her Flickr pics, which you can view at:

Meeting Kay, who runs the Crawford Peace House, was a huge honor. She is a very wise and loving woman, and my biggest regret is that we had no time to really spend with her. My favorite part of the Crawford visit was the walking meditation me and Kay took through the Peace Labryinth when I first arrived. It was a necessary action after an 11,000 mile Peace Pilgrimage. Despite all the hoopla, CNN even followed us around the walk for awhile, the walking mediation helped me to reflect on my personal transformations and to focus my intentions for future activism. Below are her words about P.E.A.C.E SCOOTER:

“CNN was there with cameras rolling when Alix B. pulled her scooter into the parking space in front of the Statue of Liberty at the Peace House on Saturday, Oct. 13.

Synchronicity was really playing out for her visit to Crawford. In a Friday phone conversation Alix asked me about inexpensive motels in Waco where she could meet her friend and supporter Daphne from Maine who was driving in with her eight year old daughter on Friday night.

But Alix and Daphne, both really tired and sore from long drives, 11,000 miles on a scooter for Alix, decided at the last minute to splurge, and met at the Waco Hilton instead, to take advantage of the hot tub there. Unknown to either of them, the Hilton is where the WH press core establishes residence when Crawford’s faux cowboy visits his compound.

The universe placed Alix next to some reporters and they all got to talking. One of the CNN reporters told me she even thought it was synchronistic that Alix chose this weekend to end her ride in Crawford. The local peace community only learned on Thursday evening that GWB was coming to town. Check out the CNN video here.

In all there were twelve adults and one child on hand to share a meal in the Peace House garden with this intrepid traveler for peace. Two were also on motor scooters from Austin and another scooter rider from Houston braved a 200 mile trip, saying it was the least he could do to honor Alix’s 11,000 mile ride.

As soon as CNN finished their interview, Alix and I walked the labyrinth and discussed peace. It was a profound experience for me and I am in awe of her level of commitment to engage in discussions about peace with individual people all across this country while she put a symbolic emblem of peace on the face of the landscape of the United States of America.

Local peace activists were also on hand later that afternoon, to greet Alix with signs and banners when she pulled up to the Secret Service checkpoint near the Bush compound and joined her in toasting the culmination of this chapter of her empowering journey for peace. ABC was there to film that event.

Please visit her web site ( ) and share your definition of peace. She says that the only way we can achieve real peace in the world is through consciously exploring, defining and sharing our vison of what we believe peace is. Then we must create that vision. She is an articulate and brave individual.

Indeed, is not a sincere dialog crucial in understanding that it is individuals who must engage and connect on a grassroots level to bridge the gaps created by leaders who seek to divide us into opposing factions, based on fear programming, in order to continue to grow their wealth and power? This is the old game of divide and conquer. But we can overcome the game by understanding that we must grasp our connectedness by maturing to a higher level of consciousness; that we must truly ‘be the change’ if our world is to survive. “We must get back to the garden,” as Joni Mitchell said.”
Thanks for those words Kay, and we will talk soon.

So, stay with me people-I’ll have some goodies up on the site for you soon! As I write this, a live video stream plays. I just heard, President Bush saying, “We need to put aside politics and find a common ground.” He should have quoted me on that, but at least he’s been listening! :0


Click on the Picture to catch the CNN video coverage! Will update soon about yesterday’s grand adventure, but for now-I’m gonna go splash around in the pool! It’s 90 degrees here in TX! With love, Alix


Crawford Bush Action

Remember back in North Hollywood, at the NOHO scooters, I met a guy named Gabriel? Well, Gabriel had noticed that I on my bike I had a sticker of Lululemon, a company that makes yoga gear, and is his employer. I haven’t spoken with him since that day, but today, Gabe sent me this picture.
Thanks for thinking of me Gabe, it feels really good to ride across the finish line with the support of so many friends.
Right now, I am 23 miles away from Crawford. My friend Daphne and her daughter arrived around 9pm. Serendipitously, Air Force One also landed at the Crawford Ranch, aboard was the infamous cowboy himself. Tomorrow’s rally probably just became a little bigger. I know that a group of people from the Crawford Peace House will be escorting me over to the secret service checkpoint so I can mark the finish line of the Peace sign.

This morning I had a very good hour long conversation with Kay, who runs the Crawford Peace House. It was exactly what I needed to clear my head and center my heart. I appreciated her insights and am really excited to meet her tomorrow.

If you can not be with us tomorrow, please join us through a moment of silence at 1:08 pm. Take the moment to envision the future you wish to have, and offer a prayer for World Peace.

This journey has been an opportunity to engage thousands of Americans in conversation about the meaning of Peace. Tomorrow is not just the end of a journey to end a war, instead, I am continuing the movement to create a consciousness in sustainable peace and justice in the world.

I will have more to write soon, of course. At 4pm, we will be driving down to Austin, TX. Steve Guzman is hosting a “toast and celebration,” at Urban Moto. His invite is cleverly written, saying:

“Oh and to put 11,000 miles into perspective. If Alix could ride her scooter from Austin back to the city where her Genuine Buddy was built, in Taiwan, it would only be 7,784 miles. If she were to ride another 1,400 miles after she reaches Crawford, she would have ridden the distance from the North Pole to the South Pole. “

1:08 pm, Texas Time (mountain time)-don’t forget. Honestly, if you don’t synchronize, no worries-just at some moment in your day, think about Peace. And know that I appreciate your support the past 12 weeks!

Crawford Peace Rally Flyer

Santa Fe, New Mexico

I pulled into Santa Fe during a storm. The 500 mile drive from Flagstaff had offered breath taking views, fast roads through Reservations, GUSTY winds, and rain. Over the hills and through the PlateausI knew that Santa Fe was close, but could see no lights ahead-until suddenly I reached the top of a hill. The panorama opened up and thousands of lights twinkled below. Good. I could call my hosts and let them know I was nearby. The dark vast, open horizon surrounding Santa Fe was illuminated intermittently with long, white fingers of lightning. Rain began pelting me and I scooted on, looking for a dry place to call Meg and Richard. The air was very electric-my heart began beating faster as lightning struck around me. On my left I spotted Centaur Cycles and Scoots, and I hoped that my hosts lived nearby. Soaked to the bone, my teeth chattering, I called Meg. She asked if I wanted to come to their house or they could meet me nearby for some dinner. Honestly, I could not make a decision-I was tired and cold. They came to get me, Audre was unpacked and left at the shop.

I was really excited to meet these two characters. Earlier that day I had called Roy, over at the Genuine Scooters, to see if any parts were needed for Audre’s maintenance. I always enjoy speaking with Roy, and he let me know he was a bit jealous that I was staying with such cool people. And they are cool, no doubt about it. It’s good to take a minute here and reflect on how good Genuine has been to me.

I had just finished lighting the beautiful yellow candles that I made for Summer solstice when Philip McCaleb rang to let me know, “Genuine Scooter is going all the way,” in their support for me. IMG_2919My original proposal to him offered a wholesale price on the scooter, but he let me know that a scooter was only part of what he could offer. And since that day, I have become aware of what he meant. Most importantly, Philip has stood behind the Peace Ride. My idea resonated with him and we spent hours going over my beliefs and his. I’ve never even met the guy, but I’ve had some great phone conversations and emails with him. He reads the blogs, offers encouragement and makes sure that his dealers take care of me. I’ve had so many incredible hosts because of Genuine.

I originally predicted that many fellow Peaceniks would be throwing open their doors to help host me. I had also anticipated that many Peace Organizations would endorse or support the Peace Ride. For whatever reason, most organizations ignore my requests for help- I have written to many, asking that they help support the Peace Ride. My thoughts were that a link or blip about the Peace Ride on their website would help generate awareness and create a solidarity in the Peace movement. And of course, also help me find housing and support along the 11,000 mile route. I made these assumptions since we are all working for the same cause. And from all past experiences, freedom fighters stick together with their eyes on the prize.

Well, honestly, the Scooter Community and my personal friends are the ones that have provided a network of support. These people have made sure I get housing, donations, haircuts, food and show me around their town. Philip McCaleb told me that they were going to place the Peace Ride on their front page. IMG_0643I was surprised and happy that a company was so willing to take an obvious stance of Peace. Many of the people who have contacted me with places to stay have come to my website through Genuine’s, demonstrating the networking power of information technology. This obvious truth also heightens my disappointment with Peace organizations-who chose not to support an obvious Pro-Peace demonstration. I guess scooterists understand the stamina and challenge of a 11,000 mile ride more than car drivers. Even when I started the ride, I had the mentality of a “cage” driver. Shoot, most scooterists consider 90 miles an epic ride. (to quote PJ) Back in the beginning, I would estimate my time based on car traveling and was ignorant to the power of the elements. Wind, rain, elevation-all those things can drastically change your ride. Which brings me back to Meg and Richard.

They put some warm blankets over my legs and took me back to their house. View from Meg and Richard new houseI noticed we were leaving the town behind and turned onto a gravel road. The next morning I was to see how beautiful the surrounding area is. They have a really nice amount of privacy at their new house. We ate soup and toast and chatted a bit. From the initial moment I locked eyes with them, I knew they were kindred spirits. They are smart and quirky and just so enjoyable to be around. I’ll be honest here, I don’t have any time left on this trip to go into details-but you can anticipate a book with MUCH MORE detail of my escapades and thoughts on Peace and conflict. I slept hard that night and woke up early to go into the shop with them. I’m not the fastest morning person, but I’ve been able to maintain an early schedule since staying at their place. That’s helpful, since the seasons are changing and I’ve been loosing riding daylight.

Richard has a ton of experience with motorcyles and scooters. I learned a lot from him and appreciated going on some rides-back of the bike. Pinata George, with chili hornsThat was a new experience for me and an enjoyable way to check out Santa Fe, if only the 8 mile drag from their shop to house. Santa Fe is a beautiful town and full of progressive citizens. I asked Meg what she loved about Santa Fe, and one of the responses was the mindset and identity of its locals. I, too, in my little time there, was very appreciative of the community consciousness. Every conversation was very authentic and people were quite upfront about their viewpoints-personal and political. I appreciated the honesty. Also, I appreciated Santa Fes building code, three stories max I think, which helps maintain a view of the gorgeous surrounding terrain. It was easy to tell I wasn’t in Anywhere, USA. Even the main drag, with its box shops, was more attractive than most places, as the buildings look adobe.

I hung around the shop most of the day. It was a bustling environment, but sporadically me, Hayley, Richard and Doug would delve into a conversation about Peace and War. They were insightful conversations amidst business as usual. I did a lot of work contacting people in Crawford, TX to set up a Pro-Peace Rally on October 13. The scooter (Audre) needed a some work. She was at 9,690 miles when she went into the shop. And running pretty damn good for all the consecutive mileage-especially since I’ve been riding hard the past two weeks. The elevation, 7,000 ft+ since Prescott, AZ had slowed her down a bit. That’s natural.

Doug, an experienced mechanic, gave her a thorough inspection. He adjusted the valves, changed the belt and the oil. Then he took her out for a test ride. The oil filter wasn’t tight enough and it came off, the oil ran out, and a piston blew. It was a mistake that Doug didn’t mean to make. He had tightened the filter, then in consideration for the next mechanic, he loosened it a bit. He heard the knocking of the piston, got off the bike, pushed it to his house, loaded it on the truck and brought it back. It was clear he felt awful about it and I didn’t want him to. Ya, we were in a jam, as it was Friday and Genuine was already closed. Columbus Day was on Monday, which meant parts wouldn’t actually arrive until Wednesday. I was expecting to have 900 miles behind me by Wednesday. People are expecting me in Crawford, TX by Saturday. It was a tough situation for us all. There are two things about this situation that I appreciate-and it’s hard to say which one more. Probably the fact that Meg gave me the engine from her Buddy125, because it got me on the road the next morning. But, equally as important was the way everyone handled the situation. We all put our heads together, problem solved and moved on. It was very professional and we made time to joke. I think they were happy that I didn’t flip out-but I saw no reason to-all you can do in a crisis is to solve it. I joke around that now I have Meg’s heart. The “heart transplant” went smoothly. Now, we are into Audre Mac OS X 10.4.11. And it’s an upgrade, for sure. Meg, thank you so much for being the most crucial Pit Crew member as of yet. Audre is burning rubber down the road. It is really amazing how fast she is now-the engine only had 1,500 miles on it when I got her. This engine was broken in at high elevation and maybe it rides faster now at sea level???I’m still learning the feel of this one. I know that the gas mileage isn’t as good as mine was, but that is probably explained by the 6mph speed gain I’ve gotten.

That night Meg and Richard took me out to dinner at Blue Corn Cafe and Brewery. I really adore them. Our conversation was interesting, covering the gamut of sexuality, movies, scootering, evolution, Peace and life stories. What I enjoyed is the way we made room for difference in opinions. I had my first chile releno, and it was so good that I ate two more the next day before I left the state. Richard had told me that he associates autumn with the smell of those peppers being roasted. Sure enough, driving around town the next day, I noticed that lovely aroma.

There is a lot more I can say about my brief time in Santa Fe. IMPEACE!I’m in a rush to post this and go meet the scooterist in Oklahoma City. I will update it soon. But I wanted to get something up and thank Meg and Richard for being amazing people. I wound up at Aztec Coffee on my way out of town and hung out with some fantastic locals. That’s also the place were I discovered the Impeace sticker and the barista gave me four to bring along! A guy that I met there called New Mexico, The Land of Entrapment, (instead of Enchantment) and I whole heartedly agreed. Definitely one of the top spots so far, and I WILL write more about it in the near future.