
What a whirlwind of activity my life has been since May 23rd.
I came across a quote the other day that really resonated with me: “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

Numbers and Musings:
1 month. 13 days. Attended the Instant Karma art exhibit in town. Read a quote by John Lennon that said, “If one billion people were practicing Peace, we would have peace.” Which immediately led to my response, “Why wouldn’t one billion people practice Peace?”
Responding to myself: “Do people know how to practice Peace? Do they need to define it first?”
One month. 4 days. Since I decided this journey must happen, despite the odds. (first step.)
13 hours.
The amount of time it took for me to be on the phone with the owner of Genuine Scooters after sending him an email about the journey. When I hit “send” I knew my life was changing. (staircase)
Philip, the owner of Genuine Scooters has been incredibly supportive of my idea. For this I give many thanks. Ironically, my friends suddenly believed I was going through with it once I said I had a sponsor. But, I was ready to ride 30 mph on my Met, if I had to.
6 days ago. Summer Solstice, Genuine Scooters/Scooterworks U.S.A offers me official sponsorship.
3-5 days until I can pick up my sweet new Buddy125 from Scoot Richmond, 217 W. 7th St in Richmond, VA. Thanks Chelsea and crew!
Every 2 days. The rotation of my yoga practice, to prepare my body for this journey. I would love for that number to change, but that happens in 1 week. I have been doing Kundalini, Hatha and Bikram Yoga. I will be seeking teachers in the states where I visit, and doing yoga daily on my own. If you can recommend good teachers along my route…lemme know.
Two weeks. 4 days. Until I start this epic journey. The kickoff is July 15, from the White House. I can’t express how much work has to be done before then. Bear with me until I get on the road. It will be a lot easier to update the website once I have ordered all the supplies I need, find a dog-sitter, sub-leaser, get the logo designed, the postcards/stickers/tshirts printed up, quit my job, get the scooter, etc.
3 days.
And I will no longer be a Ninja Barista at the Oasis d’ Mudhouse. I will have flung myself into the world of unemployment. The brave new world where people pay for espresso.
days. Birthed into this grand world. How do you measure Peace in your life? The past 36 days of my life have been the most exciting and rewarding. And trust me, my life has been full of zany fabulous moments. But I have experienced a shift in the amount of depth I want to have in my life. And I have discovered it in the amount of selfless service I offer this world. I read somewhere that “activism is our rent on Earth.” And so it is. This summer something is happening. The staircase is being built….
3 barks from my dog, Marco Polo, while I was writing this.

“Peace-making is a healing process and it begins with me, but it does not end there.” Gene Knudsen Hoffman

One Reply to “CountdOwn”

  1. Alix,

    It’s so great to see that you’ve manifested such an incredible trip. Wild anticipation.

    Keep caring & loving. dreams CAN come true.


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