Hey Lookers!
This summer Peace will be put on the map.
Yep, literally. I will drive a route that creates a Peace sign around the U.S.
The route starts at the White House and ends in Crawford, TX.
What’s in Crawford, TX?
Well, that’s George W. Bush’s other home.
The way I see it, don’t exclude. Include. He’s a world leader and he’s also a citizen. First off, this ain’t an anti-war demonstration. It’s a pro-active Peace Demonstration. I am asking all Americans to define Peace with me this summer, Mr. President included. It’s important that our world leaders have a working definition of Peace, and help us to achieve it. You know that quote, “Be the change you want to see in world?”
Well, I think change occurs when we have a working definition of what we want. And accountability to incorporate the changes. So, the focus this summer is INCLUSION. And diversity. I bet there are a lot of responses to the question, “How do you define Peace?”
Regardless, let’s not define what we are by what we are not. Let’s transcend.
Sure, its hard to rise above lies, suffering, injustice, but that’s what I am trying to do. This summer, let’s point TWO fingers, not one. (that makes a peace sign)
The trip is estimated to be 9,000+miles and will take over 2 months.
It is a creative campaign to hasten Peace in our country, in our world and works with these themes:
- The seeds of our beliefs. What does Peace mean to you?
- Environmentally friendlier forms of travel!
- Community: demonstrating our interconnectivity!
- And yes. I want to see this war end.
I am asking the public to offer me your definition of Peace. I will be filming the dialog I have with people, and other events also.
I have a memorial planned to honor dead U.S. soldiers when my odometer marks that number. (unfortunately)
Peace isn’t just a revelation reserved for hippies, anti-war protesters, and the “left.”
It’s how we take care of our bodies, our children, our communities, our neighbors-global and local, and our environment.
Everyone of us has a future and is responsible for the co-creation of it with others.
What does it look like to you?
Remember: Point two fingers, not one!
“Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind…War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.”
— John F. Kennedy
It just happened again. I got that peaceful feeling…