Update, Lake Charles


I left the Crescent City rather late yesterday, around 2pm. My conversations with Rich were worth lingering, and this is what a great adventure is all about, getting to know the people you meet, for however little time you have. There was a bon voyage breakfast at Lil Dizzie’s, and while I might not have been very awake for the experience, it was nice for people to show up and sign the scoot. The delicious grub held me until 1o pm, now that’s a proper Southern breakfast.

The ride was 250 miles, I arrived at 9pm. Pulling out from Rich’s warehouse I was stalled 20 minutes by the lifting of a drawbridge. Then I pushed on through pouring rain until 100 miles out. There were thick storm clouds on the horizon, but I finally pulled out ahead of them.

My friend Jodie grew up in the parts where I was riding yesterday and these are her words about the landscape

“90 goes through jennings as well, there’s not much there, just a ride through the town and a listen at the accent would be experience enough. off of I-10 you’ll be on the better roads to see the true beauty that is louisiana. all of the green crawfish/sugarcane/rice fields–everything is so flat and tree lined with white egret’s and blue-grey heron. my goodness, the sun as it sets and you seem to be driving into it.. it’s so low and red-orange and rotund. i love louisiana country side. i love louisiana country….so serene, simple, you feel like you are years back in time…. the roads you’ll be on are the roads i take -even in a car- when i drive home from nola.”


My experience was true to her word. I stopped and made several photographs of herons along the highway. Once I reached the rice fields, the sun’s vanishing light made a magical setting. The pinks and oranges reflected in the pools of standing water. The water was breeding ground for bugs, and riding at dusk brough out many. It was like riding through a rain storm-of bugs.


My hosts for the night are incredible. I want to share this story with you so you can see exactly how small the world is. On Thursday, I contacted a nonprofit in Lake Charles and secured a volunteer opportunity. As soon as I’m done typing this, I will be loading up a ship with supplies for islands in the Caribbean, devastated by hurricanes.

A lady called me later that day, from the organization, and offered me housing. When I arrived they greeted me warmly and took me for some local eating-which I can’t do enough of here in LA. They’ve been so thoughtful about everything and we’ve had a lot to talk about.

So, last year in Seattle, I needed a ticket to the Bumbershoot festival. I put out a request on my website and Ralph contacted me with a ticket. WHile at the festival, I was given an Ice Cream Man sticker. A week later in Portland, OR, I drive past a coffeeshop and actually see the Ice Cream Man’s Icecream truck. What are the odds? We met and exchanged stories. He stays in touch with me and had sent me a link about Hitch50. Two friends hitchhiked 50 capitals in 50 days. Well, it turns out that my contact here, her boyfriend, whose house where we are staying, actually picked those guys up. He picked them up in NOLA, drove them here, and then onto Houston.

WHAT A SMALL WORLD! Isn’t that crazy?
The interconnectivity between us is more powerful than we might know. Just yesterday I was thinking that I hope this trip inspires people to realize that our actions greatly affect one another. And that having a personal peace, working within your community and taking care of the environment are fundamental steps to co-creating a better world.

Thanks for being such great hosts,Russell and Ashley!

Thank you for all the support, the trip is now two weeks old and it is an amazing experience.

4 Replies to “Update, Lake Charles”

  1. The amazing part is allowing yourself to be changed by your experiences…
    Even when you’ve been through those parts once (or more than once) before.

    Ride steady, Beautiful.

  2. Hey Alix,

    I’m glad the trip went smooth, I was worried about the rain! Anyway, keep the updates coming! And let us know when and how long you’ll be in the different cities too. As you know, I am updating other boards…


  3. Hey Alix, I haeard thru Ashley, that you had a great time here in our fair city. Yea! Thank you for stopping in Lake Charles. Be safe.

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