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TODAY'S OBSTACLE? HOW THE heck do you build in comments to Dreamweaver? Since you can't leave sage advice through a COMMENT, how about an email?
P.S. After a few days working on this site, I found myself humming " Oh, Dreamweaver...I believe we can make it...."
Slaps head. Sigh.

WELCOME TO THE INTERNET scratch pad of a Grad Student. Midnight oil started burning a couple of hours days ago! I'm itching to put the site up live, and hope it will be by our presentations Saturday afternoon. I have a feeling that in a month this format will be but a fleeting memory. Now that I'm getting the hang of coding and design, the possibilites are limitless. Right?! But, first--deadline.

OK, SHOW OF HANDS who else is fascinated by typepress and has lost hours deliberating upon the most perfect font to express their art?