The P.E.A.C.E Map

20,000 miles. One mile=One dollar
**20,000 dollars**


Each segment on this map represents approximately 200 miles. The goal of this year’s ride is to raise $1 per mile. A segment can be sponsored by more than one person. In fact, I HOPE the map will be filled by many small donations to show how community is built by individuals coming together in small ways. More than HALF of the money raised will be donated to at least four chosen organizations.

I’m gonna illustrate the breakdown of each dollar:

(Click on the organization name to find out more about them!)

I am really excited to raise money for these organizations. Soon I will have more info posted here about their mission statements.

This wayward traveler would love a place to stay or pitch my tent, if you would like to be a host, please contact me.

The more I can save on expenses, the more is left at the end of the trip to offer organizations who are out there working hard for us. We can help ’em keep the lights on!