July 15, 2007 I scooted on up to the White House, GWB’s place of business. There I met Denise, who bought me a cup of coffee, and Samuel, who below, offered his definition of Peace. There was symbolism to the departure date, it was in tribute to Jimmy Carter’s “Crisis in Confidence,” speech, an amazing read. Frustrated with our own leadership, and that has a double meaning, the launch from D.C. was not publicized. The trip was meant to celebrate the depth of American experience, to take the sacred idea of Peace away from the capitol and to the people.
Oh, check out the new youtube group at http://www.youtube.com/group/speakyourpeace
This way your voice can be heard. Have some fun, shoot a little video on what Peace means to you and donate it to the Speak YOUR Peace documentary! Shifts happen!