Are politics divisive?

Daphne commented that this blog seemed to be more contentious than most of my posts. She asked about the “point two fingers, not one,” philosophy that I promote. Yea, well. Sometimes I walk that line-accountability is a tricky thing, especially when I can so clearly see we do have a system that perpetuates injustice. Pointing two fingers means-how can I change it??? And I think calling slime, slimy is fair place to start. Because otherwise I might just keep accepting the amount of injustice manufactured by our government. Anyhow, I think Daphne expressed this sentiment pretty well in one of her blogs. As follows:

“We live in a really amazing country, if you can separate the landscape from the turmoil…

And if you can’t, it may be because we’ve all been so fragmented by our differences in opinion, that we can’t manage to get it together enough to find out what we have in common.Think about why that may work in the favor of those with money and power.
And think about every little thing you can do to change it.
Okay. Now, go do it.”



Below is my dog, Marco Polo. That is his look of indignation for our political mess. He also suggests that leaving your definition of Peace will create feelings of joy and accomplishment.

Wish it would snow

Brief post for now, more on this later. For now I am reposting, with some COMMENTS OF MY OWN IN IT, a written article, from a news source where, unfortunately, a high percentage of people get the “scoop.” You can tell by its title, “Clinton/Obama clash over race issue” that its meant to create a reaction- it is PART OF AN AGENDA. For what, you ask? Here we go people, here come the race and sex cards for this years election. (and don’t get me started that even Hilary has said it’s a “gender” thing-sex is actually the correct term, not gender) Pretty impressive that we finally have BOTH a woman and a black man on the ticket. I remember talking about the ODDS of this back in 92, the first year I was eligible to vote. But how impressive is it if the candidates and media begin this superficial descent? I don’t think Clinton gives a damn about the color of his skin. I don’t think Obama gives a damn that she’s a woman. The end. I don’t give a damn about it either. George W. Bush, neither a woman or black man, has excelled only at being a shining Lonestar of bad foreign policy, hypocrisy, war mongering and nonchalant divider. Obviously sex and race don’t play into what makes a good President. So, why is the media beginning to serve up these two things as an issue? Because it’s still a hot button issue; because it takes a long time to eradicate oppression from our cultural psyche. 42 years ago, the KKK were beating the crap out of blacks who were simply marching for their Voting Rights and the police were right alongside them. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), intended to guarantee equal rights under the law for Americans regardless of gender, has failed to be passed since its introduction in 1923. What happens if we become captivated by the mudslinging? Hmmm, we forget that we actually need to ask these candidates some important questions-and that we need to hear them make some solid, viable proposals for our nation’s future.

Let’s not be distracted. Let’s look through this. Let’s not root for Obama or Clinton if they get one point for putting their opponent down. One way to start is by asking yourself, well, what do you want in a candidate?

My time is being wasted while the news and the candidates rehash the incident where Clinton said “It took a President to help MLK Jr. realize his dream.” Well, it’s true. That’s why MLK JR. marching to the Capitol of Montgomery-he knew that the LEGISLATION had to change. Can we move on?!!!! If Obama really wants to plant some seeds of hope, then do so by not beating the blood out of this one just to secure some black primary votes. The more this sticks in the news, the more I see MLK Jr.s name next to Obamas-and I fear some comparison is going to start. Barack Obama is NOT anywhere near the league of Martin Luther King Jr. It is SAD that our nation is so desperate for change that they cling to his pedestal, showering him with adoration and hope that he will be our nations savior. All the while he makes NO clear proposals for policy or strategy. Obama isn’t necessarily our hope for the future. We are. He’s not the only one planting seeds. We are. We’re just hungry waiting for them to grow and it seems like he’s got some meal tickets.

You know my take on it-KUCINICH is the one.

Reposted Article:

Clinton/Obama clash over race

By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama have become embroiled in racially tinged disputes as large numbers of black voters (OH, COULD THIS BE OBAMA’S REASON IN DRAGGING IT OUT-IS HE PLAYING THE RACE CARD HIMSELF?) prepare to get their first say in the Democratic presidential campaign.

The candidates and their surrogates are heating up their rhetoric, (COULD THEY PLEASE HEAT UP THEIR LEADERSHIP VALUES? THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH MORE IMPRESSIVE) and it could prove to be combustible beyond South Carolina’s Jan. 26 primary.

Clinton, on defense over comments that she and her husband made regarding Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy and Obama’s fitness for the White House, tried to turn the tables on her top primary rival. She accused his campaign of looking to score political points by distorting their words. (DID SHE? OR IS THIS THE NEWS HELPING TO FIRE IT UP? LET’S SAY IT’S TRUE. WELL, HILARY, THANKS FOR BEING THE PRINCIPLED LEADER. ARE YOU GOING TO UTILIZE THESE HIGH SCHOOL TACTICS FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS?)

Hillary Clinton had said King’s dream of racial equality was realized only when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, while Bill Clinton said Illinois Sen. Obama was telling a “fairy tale” about his opposition to the Iraq war. Black leaders have criticized their comments, and Obama said Sunday her comment about King was “ill-advised.” (ILL ADVISED, SURE. TRUE, YES. KINGS HAD A POWERFUL DREAM AND THAT WAS TO SEE THE SYSTEM ITSELF CHANGE. DO YOU SEE HOW THAT WORKS-CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER WANTS RIGHTS FOR CIVILIANS, SO HE TARGETS THE EXECUTIVE/LEGISLATIVE/JUDICIAL BRANCHES.)

“I think it offended some folks who felt that somehow diminished King’s role in bringing about the Civil Rights Act,” he told reporters on a conference call. “She is free to explain that, but the notion that somehow this is our doing is ludicrous.” (OH, AND THE PUBLIC-THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE OFFENDED BY? WHAT ABOUT, HMMM, EXPENSIVE HEALTHCARE, CORPORATE TAKE OVER OF OUR GOVERNMENT, LUDICROUS WAR BUDGET THAT CUTS THINGS LIKE ARTS AND EDUCATION, CRIME, POVERTY?)

As evidence the Obama campaign had pushed the story, Clinton advisers pointed to a memo written by an Obama staffer compiling examples of comments by Clinton and her surrogates that could be construed as racially insensitive. The memo later surfaced on some political Web sites.

“This is an unfortunate story line the Obama campaign has pushed very successfully,” the former first lady said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “I don’t think this campaign is about gender, and I sure hope it’s not about race.” (IT’S ALL A RACE ISN’T IT? A HORSE RACE. AND DON’T FORGET, SOMEONE IS CALLING OBAMA HIS HORSE) (WHAT IS THIS CAMPAIGN ABOUT?)

Clinton taped the show before appearances in South Carolina, where at least half the primary voters are expected to be black. On Monday, she planned to attend a union event honoring King’s legacy in New York City. (PHEW, GOOD TIMING)

But no sooner had Clinton said she hoped the campaign would not be about race than it got even more heated. A prominent black Clinton supporter, Black Entertainment Television founder Bob Johnson, criticized Obama and seemed to refer to his acknowledged teenage drug use while introducing Clinton at her next event.

“To me, as an African-American, I am frankly insulted the Obama campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think Hillary and Bill Clinton, who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues — when Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood; I won’t say what he was doing, but he said it in his book — when they have been involved,” Johnson said. (HMM, GOOD POINT THOUGH, AND DON’T FORGET, HILARY SEEMS MORE SUPPORTIVE OF HOMOSEXUALS THAN OBAMA-WHO HAD A GOSPEL SINGER SPEAK AT HIS RALLY-SAYING HOMOSEXUALITY IS SOMETHING GOD CAN CURE)

Obama wrote about his youthful drug use — marijuana, alcohol and sometimes cocaine — in his memoir, “Dreams from My Father.”

Johnson later said in a statement released by the Clinton campaign that his comments referred to Obama’s work as a community organizer in Chicago “and nothing else. Any other suggestion is simply irresponsible and incorrect.” (BUTT KISSER)

Another Clinton campaign official, Bill Shaheen, resigned last month after suggesting Democrats should be wary of nominating Obama because his past drug use could be used against him in the campaign.

Obama, campaigning in Las Vegas, declined to respond to Johnson. (LOVE THAT HE’S IN VEGAS AS THIS ONE HITS THE PRESS, LIKE A KID CAUGHT WITH HAND IN COOKIE JAR :))

“I’m not going to spend all my time running down the other candidates, which seems to be what Senator Clinton has been obsessed with for the last month,” Obama said. (NO, HE WON’T. HE’LL PAY SOMEONE ELSE)

His strategist, however, didn’t spare Johnson or Clinton.

“I don’t see why this is so much different from what Billy Shaheen did in New Hampshire,” David Axelrod said. “Senator Clinton apologized for that. It’s bewildering why, since she was standing there, she had nothing to say about this.”

Clinton was not yet on stage when Johnson made his statements and she did not mention them when she emerged.

Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Obama’s wife rose to his defense over Bill Clinton’s “fairy tale” comment. Michelle Obama said some blacks might be skeptical that white America will elect her husband, but advised them to look to his win in Iowa.

“Ain’t no black people in Iowa,” (ENGLISH IS ALREADY ON THE DECLINE IN OUR COUNTRY-DOES SHE AS A POTENTIAL FIRST LADY NEED TO SPEAK LIKE THIS?)she said during a speech at the Trumpet Awards, an event celebrating black achievement. “Something big, something new is happening. Let’s build the future we all know is possible. Let’s show our kids that America is ready for Barack Obama right now.” (IS THIS HOW WE BUILD THE FUTURE? LET’S SHOW THE KIDS HOW TO ENGAGE IN SHALLOW, EXPLOSIVE POLITICS-YAY!)

John Edwards, a third candidate in the Democratic primary, waded into the dispute Sunday.

“I must say I was troubled recently to see a suggestion that real change came not through the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King but through a Washington politician. I fundamentally disagree with that,” Edwards told more than 200 people gathered at a predominantly black Baptist church in Sumter, S.C. (OH, THAT’S JUST DESPERADO, HE’S PROBABLY HOPING JUST TO GET ON AS OBAMA’S VP)


One Reply to “Are politics divisive?”

  1. I probably should have given YOU more credit in MY blog, because your journey has made so much of this clearer to me, as have our discussions about difference and commonality. You make excellent points about not getting distracted and about the use of language. Also, I have to agree with your assessment about accountability: calling slime slimy is not only fair, it’s NECESSARY if we are to decipher truth and in that truth, find the only way to justice. Peace.

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