Speak Your Peace!

So, as you hopefully know by now, this Peace mission comes up with almost anyone I meet along the road.

I’ve been working on uniting photographs with Peace definitions-and tonight also started editing the videos I have from the trip. (although thats quite a process-so stayed tuned for that).
Here is Richard, whom I met off Hwy 50E, in Lakin, KS. When he found out about the Peace Ride, he made a comment that, “You’re to young to be a 60’s hippie.” To which my response was, “That’s exactly why I am making this ride, because my generation, in fact-all of us-need to redefine Peace outside of the 60’s.” Our technology isn’t stuck back in the 60’s-why should our idea of Peace be? So, I settled for his label, “modern hippie,” instead. Grimace. Thanks Richard, it was good to meet you-hope you stayed with the nice people at the Stagecoach Inn!

RIchard + Honda

“Peace can be many different things to many different people at many different times. But what is most important is what you do with it. I say PASS IT ON! Let your peace be the salt of the earth, it is catching.”

Remember New Orleans? Wow, that was more than two months ago. I met Dustan outside of an awesome coffeeshop with a clever name, Rue de la Course. That was early on in the trip, when I had time to indulge in conversations with many a character. Dustan is a musician and scooterist. He enjoys spontaneous creativity and is known to pack recording gear on his scoot, just in case its needed.


DUSTAN: “Peace is understanding. Not being afraid to step into the unknown, at that fork in the road at life, to find your own understanding and contentment. Thriving on your own riches.  Peace is beyond material measurement.”

One Reply to “Speak Your Peace!”

  1. Aloha Alex,

    Love you impeace movement and adventure on your scooter, how fun and healing for all.
    Great website too, you look beautiful and we send our love,
    Christina and Angelica
    ps. check out the farm on our website under Waihe’e Farm tab

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