Weather Report

Mailbox Award

Ah, looks like I surfed the heat wave into shore…

I arrive in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in a few hours. High temperature today of 86. Thats 17 degrees cooler than what I have become accustomed to-hope I don’t get chilly. Fargo is perched at the top of the third trip leg. I arrive there within two days, extremely excited to visit this town. If you live there or are in the know on some Fargo happenings-email me! Only three states left to see in the U.S. after crossing North Dakota off the list-Maine, Alaska, New Hampshire.

I spent some time with the maps last night, plotting the course over to Missoula. 998 miles from Fargo to Missoula, an 18 hour drive according to google. For the first time, the non highway routes get me there faster-sweet scooter victory. My mind is still reeling at the thought. Time to get a gas can, put on the long johns, charge up the camera and learn the language of deer-since that’s about all I will see out yonder. Too bad those Scoot Stars won’t be riding along to keep me company, although their 50cc’s would only chug up the mountains ahead.

Oh, if you are in the Missoula vicinity (maybe Spokane, Butte, Billings, Helena) apparently there is a Mass Peace Ride in the planning, so I hope to meet you. More details about that coming soon!

Ride on!

One Reply to “Weather Report”

  1. ok – I just sold a used Honda 90cc scooter to Ron who is part of a group of bicyclists for peace heading east from Everette Wa to DC. He
    is injured and can’t bike anymore so he got a great deal on a scooter – thanks to Sylvia – and is in the process of catching up with the other 3-5 bikers. Maybe you’ll cross paths physically or ‘internetally’, it appears that you have crossed paths spiritually…the website is
    Ride on Sister,
    Nancy in Missoula

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