
If the encouragement that people continually offer me was a meal-I would not eat alone-we would all feast for days. Many thanks, y’all.

Just about everything came via the mail this week. More on my thoughts about that at a later time.

Today the stickers arrived-another PJ and Alix late night endeavor. They are really cool, good quality and there are 500 of them!
Logo stickers

Many accomplishments today: I really grasped how I envision the kick-off-more on that soon; got a grip on the interfacing necessary with all my tech equipment (sales people don’t get MACS); slept 8 hours; had a nice sunset ride; came up with an idea to sew an extra chaps like section onto my pants; and the subleaser/dog sitting situation has been resolved-and thats about a quarter of what all went down today……oh and I received my first donation check in the mail. That was exciting-thank you Laura!

Now that the camera sitch is under control I can resume posting photos. Trying to post youtube video of the gear packing-but no promises. I have some good ideas for it though. Getting excited about the drive to D.C. I will leave there Monday night, things are still spotty with the dog watching. Good news, my friend Becca (heroine now) has agreed to watch him until everyone can move in-in August. Since Charlottesville is on my way down South from D.C. to Asheville, I have a little more flexibility on packing. I wasn’t really looking forward to a fully packed scooter in D.C. So, putting my time back into finding a new subleaser threw me off-but I’m only leaving C-ville two days later than planned. Probably a good idea to be well rested before hitting the road for such a long time. I have places lined up to stay in Asheville, Atlanta and in Montgomery. That will be exciting, catching up with old friends and seeing my Aunt in Montgomery-who just found out about the trip and seems surprisingly interested.

Tomorrow is Audre’s first oil change. The naming of objects is always a bizarre thing. I never try at it, just one minute the thing has no name and the next it’s been baptized. Audre she shall be then.

Quote: War is not nice-Barbara Bush