My two friends at Omega, Katie and David, put together this project. The photos came to me today, at just the perfect time, I was hitting “my slump.” I have spent the past three years working with many of these people, at “hippie camp.” That’s the Omega Institute of Holistic Studies, and my time there has really prepared me for this epic journey. Look at these beautiful people, all shiny and happy. I MISS YOU GUYS AND GALS SO MUCH! And the yummy vegetarian food! Many blessings! I think the sign says “Peace Out”, like “it’s out in full force.” *back to one*
Dave (look at those baby blues) and Megan (adorable bangs! this is my manager from 2 years ago)
Kundalini/Kirthan Crew, Danielle, Ayrin (miss you so much girl), Najeet, Charin, Jerry, Rebecca
Katie (I can’t wait to see you in Flagstaff! Thanks for helping engineer this project)
Dance Your Bliss Rachel
Izzy and Erik (My fellow Peacenicks)
Josiah bUmp, always rockin the irie style
Luc and Julie (The Power of Now is strong with me, Luc)
Jason (The Duke of Production, looking good!)
Brita and Dara (Inspirators, I miss you!)